Friday, 3 June 2011

CARF observes No Tobacco

Cancer Aid and Research Foundation observed No Tobacco Day on May 31. CARF screened a film on cancer inside the Mumbai, Central Prison on Arthur Road. A few Representatives from CARF were present at the time of the screening of the film. With such an innovative exercises CARF wants to spread the awareness about the dangers related to tobacco use. People are requested tio join the fight against cancer.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Great show of unity on No Tobacco Day...

Pic. for representational purpose only: World No Tobacco Day observed with much fanfare
Hail the people who have shown great respect to the World No Tobacco Day celebrations.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

On World No Tobacco Day let's vow that we will kick the butt

Pic. for representation purpose only: Today is World No Tobacco Day. Kindly lend your voices to the great cause undertaken by Cancer Aid and Research Foundation
On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day let's resolute that we will leave no stone unturned to banish the tobacco from planet earth. We will explain to the tobacco addicts all the hazards related to tobacco use. Cancer Aid and Research Foundation has been striving to assist the drive against the tobacco use in its every form. Join the cause along with Cancer Aid and Research Foundation and reach out to the needy poor cancer patients.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Let's resolve...

Pic. for representation purpose only: Let's have a new resolution this No Tobacco Day. Let's help those clung in the chain smoking kick the butt through counselling and persistent persuasion
On No Tobacco Day let's have a resolution that we persuade each and every smoker through whatever means do we have that they will stop smoking. Let's stop the spread of smoking and let's stop cancer.

A celebrity voice calling...

Recently actress Sharbani Mukherjee attended a function that aimed to stop the rise of tobacco. Many stars lend their voices to the anti tobacco campaign. Tomorrow is the World No Tobacco Day. Let's commit ourselves to the great cause that targets a total tobacco free world. With each passing day the the number of people affected by cancer has been on the steep rise and their are a very few instances where these cases are detected earlier. The fight against the cancer needs to be strengthened. Let's fight cancer...

Friday, 27 May 2011

World No Tobacco Day

The May 31 is observed as No Tobacco Day worldwide. Come Tuesday, those advocating the no tobacco would have a reason to mark the day with their cause; prevent the tobacco from reaching to peoples' hands. The World Health Organisation too holds events globally to get the message across to the global populace. Over the years the number of cancer patinets have seen a steep rise. Only a concerted team effort against the disease can trigger results.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Biopsy tops when it comes to detecting the cancer...

Pic. for representation purpose: Biopsy is considered to be the most feasible option for detecting the cancer, that too depends on the case. This simple procedure on occassions trns out to be a lengthy process involving long operations
Recent years cancer has entrenched among the populace it affects. A biopsy is a simple procedure which sometimes is extended to a prolonged operation. Undergoing the knife for cancerous cells is still considered a not-so-popular phenomenon among the affected.